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Tuesday, 30 September 2014

What does September mean to me

September is my birthday. The month I turn old every year! 

September means the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. 
Crunchy leaves on the ground. 

Blackberry picking. Scavenging for conkers and acorns. 

Spinning jennys. Days getting shorter and nights getting longer. The smell of autumn, the crisp, fresh air. The promise of what's coming next...Halloween and bonfire night, Christmas and new year! The only things that make winter bareable! 

I like snow when it first comes then when the novelty wears off I just want my flip flops back on. The slush and the slipping and sliding everywhere. Not being able to get anywhere with a pram. Being stuck in with the same four walls. By January 2nd I just want summer. The novelty of winter warmsies and wellies and scarfs and hats has worn off and  I just want my flip flops back on! 

When I was younger, September was when I first started getting excited for Christmas. My birthday had been and gone and that's when I got the argos catalogue out and started my letter to Father Christmas. The time between my birthday and Christmas is a magical time. Hope and wishing and wondering. I hope to make Christmas magical for my babies! 

September 2014...

This month I turned 31... Shock horror, apparently I don't look it but I bloody feel it at times. 

OJ started his chatterbox group. 

CJ started a new(ish) job. Nearer home, and better shift patterns. So we get to spend some quality time together. (And maybe have a social life)

OJ is starting nursery (well it'll be October technically when he starts but we've been making arrangements and planning in September.

AJ has learnt to "cruise" around furniture.

OJ went I to a big boys bed.

September has been a good month.
Hope everyone else had a good September.

Lots of Love
Vic and Family 

Mummy had a melt down - then we went to the Park

This morning I had a little mini melt down......

Just a little one....

I will start at the beginning... 

Last night I had a really bad night with AJ. She just would not sleep and would not let me sleep. She went to bed as usual at 6.30 and went to sleep fine. Then she woke up at 8.30 and there was no getting her settled back down to sleep. I gave her calpol, a drink, a (breast)feed, a cuddle, daddy gave her a cuddle, we played her Mozart (which normally works miracles), but she was having none of it so at 10:30 I gave up and went downstairs with her. I finally got her to go back to bed about 1am.

Luckily CJ offered to get up with the children in the morning which gave me an extra two hours in bed. I had to get up at 8am anyway to take the kids to kindermusic.

We were running late for kindermusic so CJ gave us a lift and we got there right on time. I was feeling a little harassed at getting up late and rushing out the door.

We got in and found a spot on the floor and got settled. Then OJ started running out of the main room and into the office. While I ran after him AJ started screaming at being left on her own. He did this a few times before the leader of the kindermusic group shut the door to start the group. Then OJ decided to raid the toy boxes in the corner, I tried to distract him and redirect his attention to the kindermusic lady but he was adamant he wanted to play with these toys. Three times I had to distract him before he threw a massive tantrum, screaming the place down throwing himself on the floor and turning bright red and going limp. I took him outside to try to calm him down which he did but he then refused to go back in the room. So I made a decision and took them home instead.

That's when I had my little mini meltdown. I managed to hold it together while I got him outside and got the pram out of the locked up shelter and the reception lady gave me my money back and said it's probably just a phase he's going through or that he is just the wrong way out. Trying to conjole me and make me feel better. 

Then I got off the premises...

...and burst into tears.

 I always see these well behaved kids taking part in activities, doing everything the leader is doing. Getting involved, chatting away and talking. 
Then there's OJ. Who appears to march to his own drum if you will. He certainly has a mind of his own and won't do what he doesn't want to do and will do what HE wants to do. He is stubborn. I know this is a good thing, to have a mind of his own but it makes organised activities almost impossible and makes me not want to attend. I cried all the way home, passers by must of thought I was a right idiot.

 I cried that I had to take them both out of the room
That AJ didn't get to enjoy the group
That OJ wanted to play and I couldn't/wouldn't let him
That I never see other children acting up as badly as mine (although I know they must do)
That I think I dealt with the situation badly
I could have dealt with it better
That I was even having this melt down to start off with.
I could feel stares and giggles from other parents.

We went home and had a play for a bit, I put AJ down for her nap, CJ went upstairs to have a nap and me and OJ had a cuddle on the sofa and fell asleep. Everyone woke up in much better moods. So we went to the park for some family fun. 

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Breast Feeding - My Story - Part One

Breastfeeding is such a touchy subject really. Everyone is either very pro breastfeeding and see any other method as wrong or against nature, or they are very defensive of their decision to bottle feed. So I wanted to discuss my side.

OJ was bottle fed
AJ was and still is breastfed.

As long as I can remember I have always known that when I have a baby I will breastfeed it. I can remember as a child playing with my dolls and when it came to "feeding time" where a child might get a toy bottle I would hold it to my chest. I remember seeing my mum breastfeeding my sister. I always thought that is how you fed a child. 
I also remember seeing add campaigns on buses and billboards from the nhs pushing breastfeeding as the best option, and thinking I will breastfeed my children.

When I was pregnant with OJ I signed up for all the classes on breastfeeding. I wanted to give my child the best. I wanted their to be a special bond no one else could make with my child.

During my last six weeks of pregnancy I had high blood pressure and I was on labetalol tablets for it, then at three weeks before my due date, we couldn't get my BP under control, it was sky high and I was given the highest dose possible of labetalol and something else and it finally came down. Then I was induced.

After OJ was born, my placenta wouldn't come out, I lost a lot of blood, my BP plummeted to 70/40 and I fainted. So I was rushed to theatre and put under general anaesthetic I was then in theatre for 2 hours and then took a while to come round from the GA. I was drowsy all day.
While I was in theatre, the midwife was monitoring OJ's blood sugar levels, because of the medication I had been on during pregnancy, it meant that he could be born with low blood sugar levels. They monitored this and it was considerably low and he needed a feed so CJ consented to him being bottle fed, which I was happy about - please don't misunderstand this I'm just explaining the situation.

He was then given a few more bottle feeds before I was ready to attempt breastfeeding. I tried throughout my stay in hospital, but I was tired and weary and emotional. He was screaming to be fed so I kept giving in and bottle feeding him.

Then when I got home it was the same, I tried and tried but he just wasnt taking to it. I even had a lovely lady from the Little Angels Breastfeeding Support Group come out to me to see if she could help me. She told me to keep going, that he would get it eventually. She also advised me on different expressing techniques so I could express and give it to him through a bottle.
But after a week, I had become an emotional wreck, I just wanted to know my baby was getting something, some form of nutrition. So I made the decision to give up breastfeeding and just bottle feed. Everyone was supportive of this decision, even my health visitor and midwife, but I found it to be a very hard decision. I cried as I finally agreed to it, but OJ became much happier and more satisfied after feeding time and once I came to terms with it I felt much better for it. 
I was able to share the night feeds with CJ, I was able to take a shower or bath while someone else fed him for me. I was able to hand him over to visitors while I had five mins. CJ could take him out for a few hours while I caught up with some sleep. And after a few months he was even able to go to his grandparents for the day so I could have a break.

When I got pregnant with AJ I was adamant I was going to give breastfeeding a better shot, and I wasn't going to give up as easily this time round.
AJ's pregnancy and birth went a lot more smoothly than OJs. I didn't have any issues with my blood pressure. I was induced two weeks early but that was because my waters had broken and nothing else had happened labour-wise for 24hrs. She came pretty fast too, once she had decided she was coming, she came in an hour and twenty minutes. Little madam, I didn't even get chance if any pain relief only gas n air. I hope it's not a sign of what's to come. I want this and I want it know -haha.
She was delivered, I held her, she was weighed and I put her straight on my boob and she latched on straight away no fuss.
I had a couple of worries through the night about how long she was feeding for and if she was getting enough, but I think that's normal new mum worries and as soon as I foundmy rhythm or my favourite breastfeeding position (led down side by side). We were all set. 
It took me a while to come to terms with the cluster feeding. In the evening she would be on and off my boob all evening from about 6pm til midnight. I would set myself up on the sofa with my tea, some treats, a drink, the remote, my phone, my iPad and just camp out there til she was done and I could go to bed. 
I found it very hard, breastfeeding  I found it emotional and physically tiring. I got weepy. I found it hard that it was all down to me to feed her 24/7. If she went out with someone else she couldn't be more than twenty mins away in case she got hungry. I never got more than three hours sleep at one time. I tried expressing but she just didnt take to the bottle or cup at all and screamed if you even attempted it. This would have been ok if she had been my first/only child. I could have slept when she slept or camped out on the sofa all day etc, but I also had a 15 month old to look after, who was very demanding of time and attention and rightly so. 
I found it very hard. In fact I found the first 9months of AJ's life quite hard. I wanted to give both children all the love and attention they desired at the same time. I found it hard that when OJ wanted me I was busy feeding AJ or when AJ wanted feeding I was busy cooking OJs tea. I had to make best decisions on who to tend to first, and often felt I was setting one down to see to the other and they knew this and resented it. 
It's got a lot easier as they've got older. They still fight for attention, but more so when tired or under the weather. 

I've never really had any negative comments about either decision to breast or bottle. Bottle feeding is just accepted now. I never got any comments made about this decision. 

But breastfeeding on the other hand I had a mixture of positive and negative. Some people just couldn't understand why i chose to breastfeed. My nana assumed we were poor and had money struggles and couldn't afford formula. She always made comments about breastfeeding is draining my energy and I'm always tired because of that. (No I was tired because I was getting three hours sleep, for various reasons). People at work just said things like "oh I just dont see the point In Breastfeeding" or "nah I like my sleep too much" 
But I also got a lot of praise for it, especially when I breastfed in public. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my bottle/breastfeeding experience. I would love to hear your experiences. Next time I am going to discuss which I would choose if I was to have another child.

Lots of Love
Vic and Family.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Some Happy News

I have some happy news which I am very pleased about. It's not life changing or anything spectacular. But CJ is being transferred to another location. Nearer to home. He currently works about 30miles away for home, which I know isn't a great big deal, even my dad works further away than that and always has done. But I'm still over the moon. This move means quite a number of good things for us
1. It will save us £100 a month in fuel
2. He has spoken to his new boss and it means better shifts. More morning shifts, rather than doing all late. It has really been getting me down recently not having him at home in the evenings, someone to talk to or help me get the kids to bed etc. I know there are worse of people than me who get to see their wife's/husbands even less but I think I can be allowed to be happy about this.  He will still work 3 late shifts but that means two earns and two days off I get him home four nights a week in the evening. I am actually so happy I could cry happy tears that how much it means to me and how much it's been getting to me.
3. Along with these better shifts, he has also been told he will have every Saturday evening off. Which means a better social life for both of us (if we can if d a sitter for my unruled two.

Anyway this is the extent of my happy news, but I just wanted to share it and shout for the rooftops. It's the simple things that make us happy.

The Great Poo Disaster

There is no picture to go with this post. Simply because, who wants to see a picture of a poo disaster?

I will start at the beginning, Ava has been a bit cranky today and I couldn't work out what was wrong with the poor little Monkey. Then at bath time it occurred to me that she hasn't had a poo for a couple of days. I didn't worry too much, as she usually goes everyday but then can skip a day depending what she has eaten and so on. 
Then as I had cleaned scrubbed and washed their hair, I was letting them play and splash about in the bath while I pottered around the bathroom putting things away and singing along to them when I suddenly spotted a few floaters. 
I whipped them both out of the bath and dried them of and clean AJ's bottom.
 I realised I hadn't brought any clean nappies up with me so I ran down to get some. I got back upstairs and my mum had text me so I sat down to read it. 

That's when OJ came to me and stuck his finger under my nose. 
It smelled of s**t! 
I asked him where that had come from and he showed me the bottom of his foot which was caked in it. 
 I asked him where thAt had come from and he took me to AJ's room where AJ had just come out of. 
There was a big pile of poo which AJ had bum shuffled a trail out onto the landing. 
She was caked in it! 
OJ had stood in it and traipsed it into our bedroom and onto our bed! I seriously wanted to cry.

It's definitely been one of them days when I am glad to get the kids into bed. 
I'm desperate for a glass of wine but seeing as I have no wine in the house I'll have to settle for a camomile tea!

And relax

Vic and Family

Burnt Tea, weetabix for tea and sleepful night!

I burnt last nights cottage pie.
Mummy fail!
So the kids had weetabix for tea and went to bed. They had the best nights sleep they had had in ages! Both of them. AJ only woke up only once and OJ didn't wake up at all til morning. Maybe I'm onto something here. Maybe I should switch around their meal times. I have thought about it a few times. Giving them their main meal at lunch time and weetabix at tea time. It doesn't really get them used to routine for the rest of their life's, but I'm trying to get them to sleep better. Does anyone have any opinions on this or has anyone tried something similar. Or just have some advice on getting babies to sleep through the night.
Any advice info would be greatly appreciated! 

Vic and Family.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Food - and budget Planning

Today I have been attempting to come up with a weekly/fortnightly food plan. I know it sounds boring as hell and believe me it's harder than I could imagine. Planning what we are going to eat for a whole week/fortnight is almost impossible. As have to factor in the fussiest eater known to man for four night now instead of two, plus two kids. Trying to add variety and make sure my meals are slimming world and family appropriate. It has taken me near enough all afternoon, a couple of tantrums, nearly of a box full of camomile tea, and about 3 attempts to give up. I found a useful template on the netmums website...

I have been trying to do this  because each month we have been spending a ridiculous amount of money on food and shopping and not knowing where it is all going. We're not earning mega bucks but we think we should be coming out with more than we have been doing at the end if the month. 

For example today we have £16 left to our name to last us til pay day, which is only two days away and we have plenty of food In the house so it isn't a major disaster but other months we've ended up with no money left two weeks til pay day. It's bad thought considering what we are earning we think we should have quite a bit left over and can't quite work out why we haven't.

So today I have had a big think about our spending habits, had a look at They have a helpful budget planner, you put in all your bills and expenses and everything and it calculates everything. Helpful little tool if your crap with money as we are and don't know much about budgeting. 

I think our worst habit is going shopping on pay day and just doing a big massive shop for what we use and picking up a few of this and that and just loading the trolley up. 
Another of our bad habits is, deciding what we fancy for tea, looking to see if the ingredients are in the house and if not going out to asda to pick up what we don't have, rather than looking to see what we have and deciding what I can make.
Another is with having asda so close, (it is literally just round a bend and accross the road) we go just for something to do sometimes, to get out of the house. Or we think I'll just pop out for some milk and bread but then come back with a basket full of shopping.

So today I made a two week meal plan, then from this I made a shopping list and wrote this up on the iPad. Which I will print off every time I go shopping.
The plan is to print off my standard shopping list, go through it and cross of what we don't need then take it along with me and stick to it to the letter. 
I am also planning on getting milk delivered and getting CJ to pick bread up from the local shop near work so we don't go to asda except the days we do our big shop.

We know what we are having every night for a fortnight, although its flexible as in I might swap and change the days around, what is in the house is what we are eating. It might displease my fussy eater of a fiancé, who apparently can only decide what he wants for tea when he is actually hungry, but needs must if we want to clamp down on our spending, and have some money left over for Christmas, days out, little luxuries and nights out. 

I hope we can stick to our plan and budget.
I would love to hear any suggestions and tips on money saving and budget planning, and I will let you know how we get on.

Lots of Love Vic
And Family

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Butternut Squash and Courgette Risotto

I got a recipe for a courgette pea and mint risotto of the Netmums website. It was good but I made some changes, tweaked it here and there and added a butternut squash til I got what I think is delicious.



1 medium butternut squash
1 large courgette
1 large onion
4 cloves of garlic
 (I love garlic, but you can put in what you like)
500ml of veg stock
Risotto rice
Olive oil
(I usually use fresh but next doors cat got at mine and asda was out so I used dry today)

What I do
I usually soak the rice in some olive oil as I am preparing all the other ingredients, to make sure it is all coated.
Then I peel chop and de-seed the butternut squash and put it in a pan of water, bring to the boil them simmer for about 20 mins or until soft and mashable.
Then chop the onion and garlic and courgette up into small pieces. If I'm making it for  babies I usually grate the courgette, but today I just chopped it.
Then I warm some oil in a pan on medium heat and add the onions and garlic, stir fry til soft and add the courgette, stir fry again until soft and add the rice, mix it all together and add the stock., then I drain off the butternut squash and add that. Then I leave on a medium -low heat stirring occasionally until all the water has reduced and the risotto is nice and thick and creamy. Then I add the mint and stir it all in. 

Some may add salt or pepper but I don't like salt and I don't think it needs pepper.
I sometimes also add frozen garden peas about 2 mins towards the end.

I then serve with some rocket salad and garlic bread and a sprinkle more mint.

I love it and my babies love it.
It's delicious and an all round family favourite.
Hope you enjoy giving it a try, I would love to hear any other tweaks or suggestions you make, for me to try.

Lots of Love
Vic and Family

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Too Tired to Fight This Battle Tonight

So OJ has been in his "Big Boys Bed" for just over a week now and every night has been a battle to get him to settle down and go to sleep. His bedtime routine hasn't changed, only the amount of bedtime stories he gets. 

Every night we finish having tea and head straight upstairs to tidy up put clothes away etc and have a bath. Depending on the kids mood they either have a long bath if they're happy and playing happily together or a short bath if either of them is grumpy cranky or winding the other one up. Then it's pj time, OJ usually has a run around and a bounce on our bed to burn of the last bits of energy before bed. Then I get them their last drink of the night while I read them a story. AJ only has the attention span for one story, so it's usually one story then I (breast) feed her and out her down. Then a million and ten more stories for OJ. Honestly I could read all night, every book in the house, to OJ and he wouldn't get bored. I usually go for about 5/6. Them I settle him down with his thomas and say good night give him a kiss and a cuddle and tuck him in. I then leave the room and turn off the light, leaving the landing light on.

As soon as I get downstairs it starts. Either crying or jumping out of bed and standing at the top of the stairs throwing toys down stairs. I go up and put him back in bed, umpteen times and this becomes a game, so I ignore him.

I've come to bed later on after ignoring him and found him in various places and positions.
From being asleep at the top of the stairs, or behind the bedroom door with it closed, in our bed, in his bed but with his head on the floor, even curled up in a corner. Only once have I found him as I've left him.

Tonight was no different. After reading him 5 bedtime stories. I went downstairs and preceded to watch my programmes. At first there was tears, then shouting, then running round the room, bouncing on or bed, chucking this down the stairs, then just sitting at the top chattering to himself. At one point I thought he'd fallen asleep as it had gone quiet, until he started shouting daddy's car.

I was tired, I wanted to go to bed myself. Even though it was 8.30pm. In the end I locked and tidied up and have in and went to bed. He climbed in with me. I sang to him, talked to him, cuddled him and even pretended to be asleep myself. It took another hour before he finally stopped fighting sleep. And now the little monkey is snoring his head off next to me. Now the dilemma is do I move him to his own bed and risk waking him or do I leave him be. I know the answer is leave him be, I'm too tired to fight this battle tonight.

I love my little monkey man!
Vic and the Jones's wish you good night, sleep tight! 

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Sealife Centre -Trafford Centre

Yesterday we were invited to spend the day with some lovely friends of ours, L and M, with a trip to the Sealife  Centre at the Trafford Centre - Manchester. 

She picked us up and we managed to squeeze all three children in the back of her car....

After a few false starts, me forgetting OJs  shoes and L losing the 2-4-1 voucher she had printed off from We finally got on the motorway. 

First stop once we got to the Trafford Centre, was the food court, then with our bellys full we made our way towards the Sealife Centre. Which is situated at Barton Square, Trafford Centre. Navigating two walking toddlers and a baby in a pushchair though the aisles of the Trafford centre, up and down lifts is no easy fete. There was a few tantrums, trips, fights and sitting down just refusing point blank to walk.
We passed some singing teddy bears, which really fascinated and captivated the young ones....

Then we finally made it to the Sealife centre.
Under 3's get in Free
Adults pay £16.95pp on the day
Or £9.95 if you book online.
Like I earlier referred, we had a 2-4-1 voucher, so we paid £16.95 for two adults and three children. Which I don't think you can beat price wise.

It started of with a light show presentation about a Majestic Giant Turtle. It really captivated the children. Oj sat mesmerised by the lights and kept pointing at the turtle absolutely enthralled by it all. I wish the rest of the centre had captivated him the same way.

Toddlers being toddlers, Oj just wanted to run off everywhere. He loved the walk through tunnels though, 

I couldn't get him out of one without a tantrum. He also like the interactive learning stations and the touch and feel. The staff were lovely and although you wouldn't let a toddler hold a crab they let him touch it with his finger. He was ecstatic, he had the biggest smile on his face. AJ enjoyed the lights and the sensory aspects and mummy enjoyed the Finding Nemo Characters (big kid I am), and the jellyfish you can change colour.

Then we came to the soft play area. You cannot pass a soft play area with a toddler and not go in, right? Especially one that is free (included in the price.) I had just got OJs shoes off and he ran off, dived right in. Next thing I knew he is at the very top. My child has no fear! 

I have heard of a few reviews which say it was small and disappointing, if it had been just us adults or we had older children with us, I might have agreed. It is a lot smaller than the Blackpool one for example. I was slightly disappointed by how small the shark tank was. But having three small children with us, I found it perfect. Our three had very short attention spans, there was enough to entertain them without it being overwhelming or getting boring, and by the time we got out I was quite glad.
We had a very enjoyable day, a few strops and tantrums and quite a few tears but a lot of laughs and memories made! 

See you soon
The Jones's 

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Another Milestone Each - My Babies are Growing up Fast

Today has been a good day for milestones. 

AJ has been standing by herself properly today, and oh is she chuffed to pieces with herself!  She has been doing it before today but only for a few seconds before she loses her balance or her nerve and falls to her bum. Today she has gone a little further, standing by herself for a few minutes and not using anyone/thing to pull herself up. She has even got a little cocky and put her hands behind her head. (Hilarious little madam).

At lunch time as AJ sat eating her lunch...

She decided to turn herself around in the chair and started playing peekaboo, whipping her head around and grinning from ear to ear as we shouted peekaboo at her. She is certainly developing her own little personality and coming into her own recently! I can't believe how fast she is growing up.

Tonight is OJs first night in his big boys bed. 

I've wanted to do it for ages now but for a number of reasons we haven't. Now for the last week or so he has been waking up in the night and not settling back down in his own cot. Which is very unlike him. He will settle instantly as soon as he is in our bed and at bed time he will attempt to settle himself to sleep on our bed. So today I decided to take the plunge. I took the sides of his cot! 
It hit me hard, how not so little he is anymore. I had a tear in my eyes as I did it.
 I rearranged the bedroom and made his bed up all nice for him. Then we did the usual bedtime routine. Bath, pjs, story with milk then bed.
I tucked his up all comfy, he had a big grin on his face, he appeared to love it, he settled down and got all comfy. I gave him a kiss and a cuddle and went downstairs.
Two seconds later, I hear tiny feet stampeding across the bedroom floor and the bedroom door against the carpet. I went upstairs and put him back down. As soon as I got back downstairs he was up again. This time a toy came hurtling over the stair gate and down the stairs. I attempted to get him back to bed at least five times, before giving up and deciding to just ignore him. He's been stood chattering at the top of the stairs, every now and then a toy comes hurtling downstairs, then It finally went quiet, so I snuck upstairs to see where the little monster was. Half expecting to find him asleep at the top of the stairs, but no, he had got back into bed and I found him fast asleep. 

Goodnight from The Jones' 

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Speech and Language

When OJ had his two year development check with the health visitor, she said that she had concerns about his talking - or lack of it.  Apparently two year olds are supposed to be able to say around 50 words and be able to put two words together, like "drink mummy".  All OJ could say was "Ta", and that was whispered with no confidence and only when he was in the mood to say it. 
Because of these concerns, she referred him to the Speech and Language Therapist who is based at the local sure start children's centre.  She gave me a call and went through with me what he does and doesn't do, then came out to the house to assess him herself. 
She came one morning with a sack full of games and toys, such as shape sorters, and jigsaws, picture cards, books and bubbles, with this she attempted to engage him in some games. OJ was having none if it, typical toddler I suppose he never plays to the crowd. He became shy and very uninterested and unimpressed. This for a start is very unusual for OJ. He is usually very intrigued by new toys of any sort and is never normally shy.
She observed him playing for a short while and asked us questions about what he does and doesn't do.
He quite blatantly hears us when he speak even if he sometimes ignores us, he understands questions and follows instructions, such as "go get your shoes" and "go put this in the bin for mummy". So there is no concern about his hearing. He babbles and vocalises during play, which meant she wasn't overly concerned but at the end of her assessment she made some suggestions for activities and things to try, to get him to speak.
For example, putting his thomas train up high where he can't reach it but can still see it, so he has to ask for it, in whatever way he does (whinge and point) then say to him, "train? Do you want your train?" 
Another was to offer him a biscuit but on,y give him half, then keep the other half in our hand and so he can see it. Then when he wants more he has to ask for it. We then say to him "more? You want more?" Enthesising the words train and more.
She also said that she wanted to invite him to attend a group called chatterbox which is held during term time at the local children's centre. Chatterbox is a small group of 4-6 children all at the same speaking level, they do activities that help socialise, bring on learning colours numbers  and speaking through activities. 

I don't know what to think about this. Apparently both me and CJ were both late talkers and didnt have to go to any groups. I know it's not designed to worry us but don't all children develop at different rates. All the health visitors and doctors, nursery nurses etc, keep telling me to read to him and talk to him and talk to him about pictures and books. But it's like telling someone to breathe. It's what I already do, I talk to him about everything, and i mean everything! As i dress him im talking him through every item, as im making his breakfast im telling him exactly what i am doing, where we are going. I've read books to him every day since the day he was born. We look at picture cards and books and talk about what we can see. It is frustrating that he can't talk yet but as my dad says I'm am sure he just has nothing to say. All the suggestions they make feel a bit patronising but I'm sure there is a reason they feel the need to send him to the group. So we will see how it goes. 

Do you have any tips or suggestions? Or have you had a similar experience?

Vic and Family

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Introducing The Jones's

I would like to introduce you to the Jones's.

I am Vic, the only Jones that isn't actually a Jones. (Me and Mr Jones are not married-yet!)

Then we have CJ my best friend, my sole mate, my other half.

There is OJ my handsome two year old son.

And last but not least AJ my beautiful 14 month old daughter.

We are your normal bog standard average little family from a lovely little town in Lancashire. (North-West England)

Mummy works two days a week.
Daddy works full time.

I will be blogging about every day life in our boring life's. we don't have the most interesting of life's but I want to document our memories, discuss our issues. It's a little bit of everything, from our ordinary everyday life, to beauty and diet. Everything that goes on in my life I will be writing about. 

I in no way claim to be a writer, so please be kind, if my writing, spelling grammar or punctuation isn't up to scratch. I welcome any form and contact and feedback so feel free to leave a comment, follow me on twitter or Instagram and drop me an email. I would love to hear from you.

What am I afraid of?

Do You Believe In Ghosts?

I am absolutely petrified of anything scary, spooky, creepy or jumpy. And put all these together and I am a quivering wreck!

I once went to the cinema with a couple of my friends to watch the film Woman In Black. I don't know what made me want to watch it. Might of been because it had Daniel Radcliffe in and I am a massive Harry Potter Fan. Anyway I spent most of the film hidden behind my cardigan, jumping at every move and sound. The story itself creeped me out but it was the scary woman ghost and the jumpy scenes where she appeared that scared me the most. Especially the scene where she suddenly appeared in the rocking chair. Good god I very nearly died and for months I couldn't sleep with the lights off. When I was awake during the night feeding my son, I kept seeing that image in my mind. I had nightmares about the actual story line.

So as you can probably tell from this I hate scary films. And just never watch them.

I can't watch trailers for scary films on the tv. I once had to switch the tv off by the plug because the channel wouldn't turn over fast enough when a scary trailer was on.

Real Ghost Stories also scare me.

All the old children's scare stories, still scare me.

If I'm in the house on my own at night, I won't look in a mirror.

In my job, every now and then we get on to the topic of ghosts. I am convinced that the place is haunted. Every now and then I get that horrible feeling that you have just walked through something. No word of a lie, I will be walking down a corridor at work and I will suddenly go cold, get goose bumps , all my hairs stand on end and I get a shivery feeling. Like I have walked through something cold. Lets just say I am so glad I work days and not nights.
I also see things out of the corner of my eye too, when I am at work. Maybe the figure of someone down an empty corridor. A figure floating out of a room. Something move. It's always just out of the corner of my eye too, I don't see it properly.

This is what scares me the most.
What are you afraid of?

Vic x

Monday, 1 September 2014

10 Things That Make Me Happy

1. My Children. All day everyday, they are my world.
2. CJ 
3. Chocolate.
4. Reading Books
5. Seeing my Children happy, smiling, enjoying themselves
6. Family days out, altogether. No worries no thinking about stress or work, just us.
7. An episode on Friends
8. Childhood memories
9. Days spent with old friends
10. Coming home from work