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Wednesday, 1 April 2015

My apologies for absense and Update

I have been absent from my blog for about 6months and I want to apologise for this. The biggest reason is that my writing skills are possibly none existent. The little reasons are having something else to do in the evenings. I tend to flit from one hobby to another, weather it be watching tv/films, crochet, reading or early night and focus on this hobby until I fancy doing something else. I can read three books in a row, then be unable to get into another book for ages, or finish a crochet project and not have another for a while. Finish a tv series on Netflix and not be able to get into another. My fiancée is at home more in the evenings so I have more distractions.

I enjoy blogging though. I enjoy reflecting on a memory and situation and telling the world about it.
I enjoy looking back on my past posts and remembering something I've been through. So I have made some resolutions for my blog.

1) I am going to blog about the real stuff, the real family stuff that happens. The memories good and bad so I can reflect and learn. About being a mummy, about my babies, my family, lifestyle, beauty.
2) I am going to post twice weekly Sunday's and Wednesday's.
3) I am going to plan and write posts in advance for when I can't post.
4) Read more blogs and interact more with other bloggers and get involved in the blogging community.

Looking forward to getting back into blogging.
Love from Vjmummy x

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