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Tuesday, 14 April 2015

The Netflix Tag

I have a love/hate relationship with Netflix. There are things I love about it and things that get on my nerves so much that I can't be arsed with it! So I thought I would do the Netflix Tag. I havnt actually been tagged but hey ho does it matter?

So here goes..

My all time favourite:

Orange is the New Black
I love it, I read the book! (Did you know it's based on true story?) it has me in absolute stitches. My favourite character is "crazy eyes" she makes me laugh smile and cry! I can't wait for season 3 to start, I'm getting slightly impatient for it! (12th June btw).

Current Addiction

The Good Wife
I never thought it would be my cup of tea really but I was bored one night and browsing Netflix when noticed it had Matt czucry (Logan from Gilmore Girls) in so I thought I'd give it ago and I was hooked from the first episode. I'm still on the first season and it excites me that there are 5 seasons (easily pleased).

Wish List

Seeing as I lost Comedy Central when we downgraded our virgin package (we just couldn't justify paying for the XL package when all we watch from it was Comedy Central) FRIENDS is my biggest wish on my wishlist! I miss it! I've lost count of how many times I've seen every episode but it still makes me laugh. I quote Friends in everyday life. (Some people get some don't). I probably get most of my useless knowledge from Friends. 

Gilmore Girls, it's easy watching and comforting. And again I get a lot of my useless knowledge from it. (Plus there's Matt Czucry to look at).

If only I had American Netflix, the lucky things have these!!

The O.C
Veronica Mars
(Just some old favourites)

Pet Peeve.

Now this is where I get to the bit that annoys me about Netflix. There is no sensible order to the Menu! Things pop up repeatedly. Why does it suggest things in every column? There's probably loads I could watch but I have to sift through about 20 columns of the same suggestions! Ahhhh! They could make it a whole lot easier!

Marathon Essentials

Drink (tea)
Snacks (Chocolate)
A comfy sofa/ bed
A pillow 
A Blanket

My List
The Good Wife
Orange is the New Black
Once upon a Time

22 Jump Street
Where the Heart is 

So that's my Netflix Tag hope I have given you some inspiration and if you have any recommendations for please get suggesting I need more to watch!

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