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Saturday 4 October 2014

Sibling Rivalry

My children, they look like butter wouldn't melt. They look so sweet and angelic..

...and then they wake up.

There are the odd times when they get on, they play together. They laugh together. This is rare!!! Most of the time they tolerate each other, barely giving each other a passing thought until one of them gets a toy that the other one wants and all hell breaks loose. Fighting, screaming, crying, tantruming,  pushing, hair pulling the works. Then there are the times they full on hate each other, this usually occurs when either one or both are tired, cranky or poorly. 

If one is getting attention, then the other wants attention but they both want undivided attention, at the same time. If one is on mummy's knee and the other wants to come up on mummy's knee, they push shove and kick the other out the way to get to me and to be the only one there.

If I make a drink and hand one to one the other will whinge til they get there's. Even if they can see it in my hand ready to give to them.

Which ever cup I give to OJ is the wrong cup. He wants the one AJ is gona get. If I give him the pink one, he wants the blue one. If I give him the blue one he wants the pink one. 

Same with food, if I give him one plate he wants the one that's being given to AJ. Doesn't matter that it exactly the same down to the number of peas. He wants AJ's. AJ must be getting the better deal.

AJ was bought a doll for her birthday, OJ wanted to play with it first to see if it is any better than his toys before he'll "let her" play with it.

They are two and one, this sibling rivalry can only get worse in my view, I just hope it lets up once in a while and they can actually get one and play together from time to time.
Neither gets any special treatment, or more attention than the other, they are treated the same but what the other gets, always seems better.

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